woz black&white插曲歌詞

以下是《WoZ Black&White》的部分插曲歌詞:

1. 歌名:《The Dawn》

Verse 1:

The sun is rising,the day has begun

The world is waking up,life is back to you


The dawn is calling,the time to rise up

To the light of hope,to the endless sky

Verse 2:

Through the darkest nights,we have learned to trust

The strength within us,to rise up against


The dawn is calling,the time to rise up

To the light of hope,to the endless sky

2. 歌名:《Finale》

Verse 1:

We have fought for what we believed in

In the face of the enemy


And now we stand at the edge of time

With courage in our hearts and dreams in our eyes

Verse 2:

Beyond the black and white,the colors lie

Beyond the shadows,the light shines bright


And so we say goodbye to this world we knew

With hope in our hearts and dreams to pursue
