John Lennon 的 Imagine 歌詞如下:
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Like harmony in a great big choir
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
But if you try to look the other way
You'd better not look too long
For when you see how beautiful life
Could be when you give up your nationality
Why not join the celebration?
And the best of all is when you see your brother brother in need crying in relief
Help each other in good times and bad we may be very far apart geographically and perhaps religiously and culturally too. but spiritually we belong to the same human race. it could be, Imagine! imagine no possessions, you'd be free to use your imagination. You'd find your place in the sun, if you give up your nationalistic dream. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.