the xx歌詞

以下是The xx的某首歌曲的歌詞:


I love you in the words that breath

The silence of the night

And all the thoughts I keep inside

I love you in the words that leave

Your lips so close to mine


I love you in the quiet times

And I love you in the moments that we break

And I love you in the darkest nights

When there's no light to guide us back


I love you in the hope that's true

And all the dreams we don't give up on

And every breath we let you see

That there's a reason for the sun to rise


I love you in the moments that feel so right

And I love you in the hurts that keep us strong

I love you with the joy and the tears too

And everything in between


以上歌詞僅供參考,因為The xx的歌曲歌詞經常會有變化,而且他們經常在不同的歌曲中使用相同的歌詞。