"Take Me Out"的歌詞如下:
I'm a little bit nervous, I'm a little bit shy
But I got all my nerve ends tied up in knots
But if you go ahead and throw me in the deep
It won't be long till you see me break
Take me out, take me out, make me your favourite sport
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - That song lyric line does not exist. The closest lyrics I can find to this line are:
Fear and Loathing on the Range - Oh my god, what have I done?
如果您想要歌詞 "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" 的歌詞,我可以提供。但根據您提供的信息,這個歌詞中並沒有 "Take Me Out" 的句子。如果您有其他問題或需要其他歌曲的歌詞,歡迎繼續提問。