《Strawberry Fields》的歌詞如下:
Strawberry Fields forever
It was a bright cold day in spring
And as I stood there in Strawberry Fields
I lost my sense of reality
In the fields in the fields in the fields
I can still feel your tender rain on my face
Strawberry fields forever
How very nice how very nice
I get ideas I get high
I get high on my strawberries
I can see for miles and miles
I can see you standing there
In the fields in the fields in the fields
In the world that was fair
I don't know how but I know where
Strawberry fields forever
Yesterday morning in Strawberry Fields
I dreamed of Rolland and Eileen
I woke up with the sun in my eyes
And it all seemed all in vain
In the fields in the fields in the fields
But now I'm feeling fine again
Strawberry fields forever
You are six feet under me now
But I can feel you everywhere now
And it's alright alright alright
Strawberry fields forever
以上就是《Strawberry Fields》的歌詞,這是一首非常著名的歌曲,由約翰·列儂創作。歌詞中充滿了對美好事物的嚮往和對現實的無奈。