star in the sky歌詞

"Star in the Sky"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但可以提供一些歌詞供您參考。


Verse 1:

Star in the sky

You're shining bright

I'm looking up

And I can't sleep tonight


Star in the sky

You're my guiding light

You're the one that I want

And I'll follow you tonight

Verse 2:

In this world we all

Search for something true

And every time I look up

You're the one that I see


Star in the sky

You're my guiding light

You're the one that I want

And I'll follow you tonight


No matter where I am

No matter what I do

You're always there for me

You're my guardian star above


Star in the sky

You're my guiding light

You're the one that I want

And I'll follow you tonight


Star in the sky

You're shining bright

And I will follow you tonight.
