smalltown boy歌詞

《Small Town Boy》的詞曲創作和演唱者為Julio Sanchez Vélez和Benjamin Lopez Aguilera,他們通常被認為是這首歌的標記。這首歌是一首流暢、優美的拉丁歌曲,充滿了對青春的熱愛和懷舊。以下是這首歌的英文詞曲:

Verse 1:

I was a small town boy

In a world that I knew not

I dreamed of a big city

Where I could find my freedom


But here I am in this town

Trying to make a name for myself

And though I may not fit in

I'll never give up my dreams

Verse 2:

I'm still a small town boy

With a heart that's full of hope

I'm looking for that moment

When everything comes together


But I know that I'll be okay

Because I've been through the hardest times

And though I may not fit in

I'll never give up my dreams


I may be small town, small town boy

But I'm not small in my heart

And I'll keep on moving forward, forward, forward, no matter what they say

Chorus: (repeats)
