see you歌詞

《See You》的詞曲作者是布雷克·威廉士,由凱莉·克萊森演唱,這首歌也是凱莉·克萊森在電影《夢幻女郎》中的歌曲。以下是《See You》的英文詞曲:

歌名:See You



I was feeling low

I was feeling small

Just a memory, yeah

And you came and you made me feel like

I'm the only one

Yeah, you got me feeling

You got me feeling

Like a queen again

Yeah, you got me feeling

Like a superstar

And I won't forget the way you made me feel

But now I gotta see you through it

So here we are

Back where we started from

And I'm standing on my own again

But now I gotta see you through it

Now I'm back where I began

And I'm feeling strong again

And I won't forget the way you made me feel

Yeah, so see you when I see you, yeah

It's all good, it's all good, it's all good, yeah

And if you're gone too long, yeah

I might forget what your name looks like, yeah

So see you when I see you, yeah

Now I'm standing in the crowd again

And I'm looking for your face again

But now I gotta see you through it

So here we are again, yeah

Back where we started from, yeah

And I'm standing on my own again, yeah

But now I gotta see you through it

Through it, yeah.

這是一首歌很強烈的話語錄音,也是經典電影音樂。主題深刻的愛情。此歌曲以其直抒心意的方式展示了主人公情感從悲觀到振作的情感過程,而其中的深情和勇氣,將能深深打動每一個聽眾。歌詞描繪了作者和某人的情感糾葛,但最終因為愛情的重要性而願意繼續等待對方。因此,最後的歌詞“So see you when I see you”也表達了主人公的決心和信念,表明無論對方何時出現,都會繼續去見對方。同時這首歌也是凱莉·克萊森代表電影中的重要角色人物所作的歌曲,這也增添了它更多的意義和內涵。