Secret Talk 的歌詞如下:
Verse 1:
You say you're sorry
But I don't believe it
You say you love me
But I don't trust it
I know you're hiding something
I know you're keeping a secret
You don't tell me what it is
But I can feel it
Secret talk, I can't hear it anymore
I've been fooled by your lies too many times before
Don't tell me anything, I won't believe a word
Just show me the truth, I want to know what's behind
Verse 2:
You say you're sorry again
But this time I won't believe it
You say you're talking to someone
But you won't tell me who it is
I can see through your disguise
You can't hide from my intuition
And if you're lying to me now
I won't let you get away with it
Secret talk, I can't hear it anymore
I've been fooled by your lies too many times before
Don't tell me anything, I won't believe a word
Just show me the truth, I want to know what's behind
I don't want to be suspicious anymore
I don't want to be paranoid anymore
I want to trust you, but you won't show me anything
So how can I believe in what you say?
Secret talk, I can't hear it anymore (x2)
I want to know what's behind (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1) (x1) x2水銀溫度計摔碎了,汞中毒症狀有哪些?如何處理? 水銀溫度計摔碎了,汞中毒的症狀包括口腔金屬味、噁心、嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉、乏力、全身多系統症狀等。處理方法包括立即開窗通風,收集散落的水銀並密封存儲,以及及時就醫。以下是對這兩個問題的詳細解答。
- 汞中毒症狀:汞中毒是由於大量汞蒸氣通過呼吸道進入人體,導致人體出現急性中毒症狀。輕度中毒表現為口腔金屬味、噁心、嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉、乏力等不適。中度中毒可出現全身多系統症狀,如頭暈、頭痛、抽搐、呼吸困難、腎功能損害等。重度中毒表現為休克、昏迷等。長期低濃度接觸可能導致牙齒脫落、頭髮脫落和神經精神症狀。因此,如果水銀溫度計摔碎了,需要及時處理,避免吸入汞蒸氣。- 處理方法:首先,立即打開窗戶通風,確保空氣流通,以降低室內汞蒸氣的濃度。其次,小心地收集散落的水銀,並密封存儲,避免汞滴擴散。請注意,收集過程中應避免直接用手接觸水銀,可以使用硬紙板、膠帶等工具進行收集。此外,如果出現中毒症狀或懷疑有汞中毒的情況,應及時就醫。最後,家中應避免使用水銀溫度計,可以使用電子溫度計或其他類型的溫度計來避免此類情況的發生。建議定期檢查家中易碎物品和化學品,確保全全。綜上所述,水銀溫度計摔碎後,需要及時處理,避免吸入汞蒸氣,以避免汞中毒症狀的出現。