You keep coming at me like a madman
Your aim is so random I'm at a loss for what to defend
你的攻擊目標完全隨機 我完全不知道該保護什麼
Soon it's all the same, so much discontent and arrogance in my space
很快你所說的每一句話 都變成了一句毫無意義且令人不悅的無理取鬧
Redundant conversation
冗餘的交談 沒必要繼續了
Let's make a plan
If we go at it anymore it won't end soon, no fun in this mess
如果繼續下去 這只會越來越糟 我們沒興趣去管這些爛攤子
Let's clear the air, go on an adventure and come out of it together
我們放下這些爭吵 去探險 然後一起回來 清理這些爛攤子
Your track record's bad and your judgment's weak, yeah you talk a big talk
你的名譽不佳 判斷力也很差 噢 你會口若懸河的說個不停
It doesn't make sense that I still play the fool after all these years of talking to you
跟你溝通這么久後 還這樣 你所說的話根本沒有意義 無所謂啦 我再繼續做你愚人也是一件輕鬆的事啊
I don't need your lies, I don't need your truth, I don't need your conversation, yeah
我不需要你的謊言 我也不需要你的真實對話 我真的不需要你的囉嗦 好吧
So why don't we just call it a night and leave it in the past?
那我們為何不直接說晚安 然後讓它成為過去式呢?