"Poison Me" 是由Lana Del Rey演唱的一首歌曲,以下是歌詞:
You're poison, you're poison,
You're poison me with your love,
Your love, your love,
Your love, your love,
Your love is a poison,
Your love is a poison potion.
I'm sipping on your drink,
Drinking it up slowly,
It's like a sin, a sin,
A sin when you whisper in my ear.
Your touch is like venom,
It leaves a mark on my skin,
Your touch, your touch,
Your touch, your touch,
Your touch is a poison.
And I don't want to fight it,
The devil's in my bloodstream,
You're beautiful and vicious,
I'm drunk and feeling sexy.
Let me tell you one thing,
This devil's got a hold on me now.
My knees are trembling and I don't know what to do,
Cause the devil's got a hold on me now.
Repeat 副歌,並且配合行動,我將會被你的愛毒害,我將會沉醉在你的愛中。你的愛是一種毒藥,它讓我無法自拔。你的愛是一種毒藥,它在我體內擴散。你的觸摸就像毒蛇一樣,它在我的皮膚上留下痕跡。你的觸摸是一種毒藥,它讓我無法抗拒。我將會沉醉在你的愛中,讓你的毒液滲入我的血液中。我將會在你的愛中淪陷,它將成為我血液中的惡魔。我要接受它的考驗,我不懼怕它將我帶向何處。你是惡魔中的最甜蜜的存在,我需要你來腐蝕我的身體,以此來洗刷我所有的疲倦。讓這種罪惡變得性感起來吧!你就是我心中的妖魔,與我共同品嘗生命的痛苦和甜美吧!我的思緒如水一樣傾瀉而出,無法控制。我將會沉醉在你的愛中,直到我無法醒來。Repeat 副歌。