"Play the Joker" 是由 Valshe 演唱的一首歌曲,其歌詞如下:
Verse 1:
You said you're my joker
I don't want to play anymore
But I can't let go
Cause I love you so
And now I'm here with empty hands
Trying to understand
Why you left me all alone
With nothing but a broken heart
Verse 2:
You took my tears and laughter
Left me feeling sad and scared
Now I don't know what to do
But play the joker every night
And now I'm here with empty hands
Trying to understand
Why you left me all alone
With nothing but a broken heart
You said you'd never leave me
But you proved you were a liar
Now I'm just a shadow of my self
Trying to find my way back home
And now I'm here with empty hands
Trying to understand
Why you left me all alone
With nothing but a broken heart
總結:這首歌表達了失去戀人的痛苦和無助,同時也揭示了感情的脆弱和變化無常。歌詞中的 "play the joker" 形象地描述了主人公在夜深人靜時獨自演奏樂器的場景,也象徵著主人公對過去愛情的無奈和惋惜。