"Passionate Squall"是歌曲"Let It Go"中的一句歌詞,完整歌詞為:
Let it go
Let it go
Just let it go
It's time to move on
You're feeling passionately squall
You're feeling the heat of the cold
It's time to let it all go
Time to face the unknown
It's alright, it's alright
Let it all out tonight
You've been holding it in too long
Now it's time to let it all go
Let it go, let it go
It's alright, it's alright
Just let it all out tonight
And you'll be free again
So let it go, let it go
And you'll be free again
這是一首表達情感的歌曲,歌詞鼓勵人們放下過去,面對未知的未來。歌詞中的"passionately squall"和"the cold"等詞句,表達了情感的激烈和冷酷。整首歌旋律優美,歌詞富有感染力,能夠引起人們的共鳴。