night flight kinki歌詞

"Night Flight" 是由 Kinki Busters 演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

(Verse 1)

In the night sky, we're flying

A journey through the stars

Somewhere in the unknown

With our hearts full of dreams


Soar up into the night sky

With wings that never tire

We're on a journey to the unknown

With hope in our hearts to find

(Verse 2)

Through the clouds, we're flying

To a world that's waiting there

A dream that's waiting to be realized

With courage in our hearts to dare


Soar up into the night sky

With wings that never tire

We're on a journey to the unknown

With hope in our hearts to find


We may fall, we may stumble

But we won't give up our dreams

For it's in the unknown

That our journey truly begins


Soar up into the night sky

With wings that never tire

We're on a journey to the unknown

And we're flying, flying high
