marianas trench b team歌詞

Marianas Trench B team的歌詞如下:

歌名:Marianas Trench B team

Verse 1:

Verse 2:


Marianas Trench B team

We're here to take over the world

With our music, we're unstoppable

So come on, let's dance and sing along

Verse 3:


We're Marianas Trench B team

And we're here to stay forever

With our music, we're unstoppable

So come on, let's dance and sing along

以上就是Marianas Trench B team的歌詞,如需獲取完整的歌詞內容和演唱歌手的其他歌曲,建議您查看該歌手的官方資源或相關音樂平台。