machine gun kelly general admission everyday歌詞

《Machine Gun Kelly》 - General Admission Everyday的詞曲是由Machine Gun Kelly填詞。

* 歌詞部分摘抄如下:

* "General admission everyday, it's the same routine"

* "All my vices, they come with a suite"

* "Gonna keep the receipt, keep the change"

* "It's the best of both worlds, I'm a rebel without a cause"

* "I'm a hothead, I'm a wild child, I'm a fighter"

* "I'm a dreamer, I'm a believer, I'm a general admission every day"

這是一首充滿了熱情和自我肯定的歌曲,Machine Gun Kelly在歌中表達了他對生活的熱愛和無畏的精神。他認為自己是一個無目的的叛逆者,一個熱情夢想者,一個永遠保持熱情的追求者。
