lovely day歌詞翻譯

《Lovely Day》的中文翻譯如下:

歌曲《Lovely Day》的主旨是描述了一幅美好的日景象,以下是我對該歌曲的部分歌詞的翻譯:

* “當你隨風輕輕飄落,我在蔚藍天空下,找尋著你。”

翻譯:When you gently blew with the wind and fell, I was under the blue sky, searching for you.

* “如繁星點點般微風吹過,把心事輕輕吟唱。”

Translation: Like stars scattered across the sky, the gentle breeze blew by, singing softly to my heart.

* “看著你,我微笑著,在這美麗的一天。”

Translation: As I look at you, I smile and enjoy this beautiful day.

* “我們手牽手,走在彩虹的彼岸。”

Translation: We walk hand in hand, on the other side of the rainbow.
