love is coffee歌詞

《Love is Coffee》的詞曲創作並由編曲製作是由爵士風格音樂家高知亮完成的。其中歌曲的詞意是在歌頌愛情像咖啡般濃厚又提神的經驗。下面是這首歌的歌詞:

(Verse 1)

Baby take my hand

Life's gonna be perfect from now on

Drink to the sound

With my one and only you and I


As the memories grow stronger in my head

Together, I feel safe in this bed

Wake up and be all up and doing, go for me baby, but do you know


Love is coffee, like a morning wake up

Take your sweet time, no rush in this game of love

So sweet and warm, a little bit spicy to

I can't get enough of this feeling of yours

(Verse 2)

A little bit crazy, feeling high all the time

When you're next to me, it's so magical

Cup of love in my hand, feel so fine and hot and perfect, perfect feeling

Sweet sugar-free sugar lips with no poisoning you.


Every moment is something that I can't resist. I am completely devoted to you

Baby let's not take a break now because this feeling will last forever. So what are you waiting for?


Love is coffee, like a morning wake up

Take your sweet time, no rush in this game of love

So sweet and warm, a little bit spicy to

I can't get enough of this feeling of yours.


Life is like a journey filled with many stops and starts

But I am happy with my sweet sugar lips because I feel so secure with you

With every moment together we can go to infinity and beyond.

And every sip is something I look forward to because you make me feel like a millionaire.

(Chorus) (Repeat and out)

So, this is what it feels like to have a cup of love, coffee, just right for me and you. You know that feeling? It's indescribable. But you know what? I'm just starting to get the taste of it. It's the sweetest feeling I have ever had. It's all for you baby. Love is coffee.