《Les sans》的詞曲由歌手Katy Perry與Pharrell Williams合作完成,歌曲中還包括Chad Kroeger和Nirvana的主唱Courtney Love。歌詞鐘樓怪人部分翻譯如下:
鐘樓里的人 / 在大霧中沉默等待 / 如同無人知曉的風景 / 在古老的街道默默站立 /
The ones in the tower / Silent in the mist, they wait / Like a forgotten scenery / Standing silently on these ancient streets
每個日子在默默計數 / 慢慢淡去他的印記 / 在無聲無息中悄然消失 / 留下迴蕩的回音 /
Counting each day, fading from sight / Silently slipping away, leaving echoes behind
人們都不願靠近 / 怕他會發出刺耳的叫聲 / 卻不知道他其實在呼喚 / 呼喚那遺失的愛
People stay away, afraid of the scream / They never knew he was calling out, for the love that was lost
他們不應該被他定義 / 他是他們的詩篇也是命運 / 在荒蕪之地跳舞的勇士 / 他們相遇於亂世又匆匆離去
They shouldn't be defined by him / He was their poetry and their fate / Dancers on a barren land, they met in this chaotic world and were swept away
別再迷失在這個混亂世界裡 / 在時間盡頭不必找尋他 / 在夜的盡頭你會找到那被遺失的愛 / 那疲憊的愛也早已疲倦死去 / 那不斷歌唱的你
Don't lose yourself in this chaotic world / You don't have to search for him at the end of time / You'll find the lost love at the end of night, it's the love that's worn out and longing, the one that keeps singing on