Leonard Cohen的歌詞富有哲理和詩意,以下是他的部分歌詞:
1. "First We Take Manhattan"(我們先殺到曼哈頓)
First we take Manhattan,
that's the easiest part,
the hardest part's ahead,
when we take manhattan down.
2. "Anthem"(國歌)
We two, naked and afraid,
in a world made new,
the music filled with hope,
the words without guile.
3. "Hallelujah"(哈利路亞)
I woke up this morning,
and I knew I'd be fine,
I knew that everything would be all right,
cause everything reminds me of you.
4. "Going Home"(回歸故里)
It's so good to be back where I started from,
singing the songs I used to sing,
telling the stories that make people grin.
這些只是一部分例子,Leonard Cohen的歌詞豐富多彩,包含了許多深刻的哲理和詩意。可以通過聽他的音樂和閱讀歌詞來更深入地了解他的作品。