I know you want it
I know you want it
I know you want it
But you're too proud
To let me in
I know you want it
But you're too proud
You don't know what to do
When you're alone
And you're all confused
I know you want it
So come on, let me hear you say
K-A-N-G, I want it
K-A-N-G, I want it
Come on, let me hear you say
Come on, let me hear you say
K-A-N-G, I want it (X3)
When the day is done, baby now's the time to act right (what's the big idea)
Time for self, 'bout to grab yourself a slice of the black fate (this the big deal)
See yourself at night walking through your door unlocking every second and I guess what that moment says
Told to himself, "I'm not a loser, I'm not a freak, I'm just a man trying to get paid" (what's up)
You ain't got to be ashamed of your body, your mind is where you at (where you at)
So if you feel like a freak, then let me hear you say K-A-N-G (X2)
You ain't got to be ashamed of your body, your mind is where you at (where you at)
So if you feel like a freak, then let me hear you say K-A-N-G (X2) now say it loud, now say it proud, now say it loud now say it loud now say it proud (repeat 3x)Now don't try to run 'cause if you ready now let yourself be a part of something that really gets the job doneDon't deny yourself what everybody wants so here's a new direction我正在閱讀《星際迷航:星艦訓練手冊》的第四篇:“你曾經是什麼型號?”我被訓練得如一台K-ship:接收命令,履行職責,不惜一切代價。但現在我需要使用更好的思維方式去閱讀,否則我將一事無成。這本書為個人發展提供了極好的啟示,從人性的探索到如何在組織中擔任更高級別的職務,都可以在其中找到答案。其中提到的方法可以讓你不再需要他人提醒去遵循行為規範和紀律。我認為這個書名可能會給某些讀者帶來疑惑,因為它似乎在暗示這是一本關於星際迷航的書籍,但實際上它是一本關於個人成長的書籍。因此,我建議將書名改為“星際迷航:個人成長的訓練手冊”。這個新書名既保留了原書名的核心內容,又更準確地傳達了這本書的主題和目的。它強調了個人成長的重要性,並突出了這本書如何幫助讀者實現這一目標。此外,這個新書名也更容易吸引那些對個人成長和成長方法感興趣的讀者。總的來說,我認為這個新書名更符合這本書的實際內容和目標。