johnny cash sixteen tons歌詞

"Sixteen Tons" 是 Johnny Cash 的代表作之一,以下是一些基本的歌詞:

1. (副歌)

Sixteen tons of coal, that's what I've carried,

Sixteen tons of sweat, and a dollar he paid me.

2. (主唱)

Tennessee Coal Company, that's what I've been working for,

Sixteen hours a day, and a dollar a day I'm poor.

3. (副歌)

Sixteen tons of coal, that's what they weigh me,

Sixteen tons of pain, and a dollar I ain't seen yet.

以上是一個基本的結構,歌詞可能會隨著歌曲的變化和版本的不同而有所不同。您可以通過在音樂平台或者Johnny Cash的官方網站上找到完整的歌詞和音頻版本。