

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo

Joey is back with a brand new jam

Yo Yo Joey and Joey on the track again

Come on

Verse 1:

Joey is back and this time I'm here to stay

With my golden grillz and my nikes on my feet

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Life is like a movie with the pain and the hype

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

And every night I pray that I won't get dissed

And if I'm blessed with a second chance

I'm gonna make it big and take them all down

Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Joey is back and this time I'm here to stay

With my golden grillz and my nikes on my feet

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Verse 2:

Life is a game and I'm playing it right

Trying to make it big and make a big impact

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

And every night I pray that I won't get dissed

And if I'm blessed with a second chance

I'm gonna make it big and take them all down

Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh my God how they trying to turn me back to what I ain't got before me oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Come on


So for all you haters in the game keep waiting for me oh yeah and yo I'm just going up from here I know they said that we was down for a comeback now they know we here for a rebirth don't test me come on let's go [ Let's go! ] Let me hear you say hey hey hey hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah! [ Gonna make em pay ] Oh yeah Oh Yeah! Oh yeah! Joey is back with a brand new jam [ Bring it home] Gonna make em pay Gonna make em pay [ Here we go] Let me hear you say hey hey hey hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey! Let me hear you say Joey! Joey! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah! Let me hear you say now [Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah] That's right That's right That's right! Oh Yeah! Joey is back! Back back Back back Back有哪些事情需要大學生自我管理和規劃?請提供一些具體的建議和步驟,以幫助他們有效地管理和規劃他們的時間和精力。


1. 學習計畫:設定明確的學習目標,並制定相應的學習計畫。將學習任務分解為小塊,每天按計畫完成。可以使用時間管理工具如番茄工作法等來提高學習效率。

2. 時間管理:大學生活中有很多分散注意力的因素,如社交活動、社團活動等。制定合理的時間管理策略,明確什麼時間做什麼事情,合理安排課餘時間。使用日程表或應用程式來幫助管理時間。

3. 健康管理:保持健康的生活習慣,包括合理的飲食、充足的睡眠和適量的運動。建立健康的生活方式有助於更好地學習和生活。

4. 財務規劃:大學生也要學會管理自己的財務。設定預算,避免不必要的消費,如過度購物或娛樂性消費。學習如何使用信用卡和儲蓄賬戶,以及如何管理學費和其他財務事項。

5. 社交與人際關係:在大學期間建立良好的社交關係是非常重要的。參與社團和活動有助於結識新朋友,並與同學們互相幫助和支持。不要忽視與家人和朋友的聯繫。

6. 職業規劃:考慮自己的職業目標,了解不同行業和職業的要求,參加實習或志願者工作來積累經驗。通過職業規劃課程或諮詢職業規劃師來獲取更多信息。

7. 自我提升:大學生應該注重自我提升,包括學習新技能、閱讀書籍、參加講座或研討會等。通過自我提升,可以提高自己的綜合素質,為未來的職業發展打下基礎。

8. 壓力管理:大學生可能會面臨來自學習、人際關係、經濟等方面的壓力。學會有效的壓力管理技巧,如深呼吸、冥想、運動等,可以幫助你更好地應對壓力。

9. 反思與調整:定期對自己的學習和生活進行反思和評估