jewel down so long歌詞

《Jewel Down So Long》的詞曲作者是Jason Rittereiser,歌詞內容如下:

* You’re feeling low and the sky’s a bit grey

* Can’t sleep, you’re feeling hopeless, in your bed

* Feels like everything’s spinning out of control

* And it’s the same old story, no new ending

* So you can take a step back

* It’s not too late to get up, stand up and fight

* ‘Cause when the night is through, when the morning comes

* You will rise and shine, rise and shine


* Jewel down so long, see the light ahead

* Hold on, don’t give up the fight, see it through

* Jewel down so long, stand tall and proud

* Hold on, it’s not too late to get up, stand up and fight

在這首歌中,詞語如“low”、“hopeless”、“spinning out of control”、“night is through”、“morning comes”、“rise and shine”等都充滿了鼓勵和振奮的意味義。它鼓勵我們在困難面前不應放棄,應該堅持下去,看到前方的光明,挺直腰板,繼續戰斗。
