i will survive歌詞glee

"I Will Survive"的歌詞如下:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh

Yeah, I said it, oh

Gonna stand my ground

And here's what I'm thinking 'bout

Just got up, just took a shower

Just hit the street and I'm ready to go

Gonna kick it with my homies, gonna catch a movie

And if they don't want to then I'll catch a movie alone

And if they don't have the movie

I'll call my friends and I'll be home alone

But I won't be lonely, no, no, no

I'll be alright today

I'll be alright today

I will survive

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, yeah

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

I will survive

Just got to get up, get up and get out there

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh oh oh oh

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh oh oh oh

Yeah, yeah, yeah (get up)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (get up)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (get up) now baby, hey hey hey

So there was a time when I was filled with doubt (doubt)

You know that you got me feeling like a number (number)

So I keep it real and all the while remembering my fate (my fate)

I will survive today (today) I will survive today (oh)

Just got to get up, get up and get out there (get up)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (get up) oh oh oh oh (get up)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (get up) oh oh oh oh (get up) now baby (hey)

Oh, and every time it get harder to go on and on and on (ooh) 4000 blocks ain't the only test in the fire you get things flipped then flipped then like pancakes turn to flapjams all about just who am I really facing it's what's inside where the battles are truly won (won) 4000 blocks ain't the only test in the fire you get things flipped then flipped then like pancakes turn to flapjams all about just who am I really facing it's what's inside where the battles are truly won (won) 4000 blocks ain't the only test in the fire now baby gonna take my fate into my own hands I ain't a goner now I will survive today I will survive today just got to get up and get out there Yeah Yeah Yeah Oh Oh Oh Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Oh Oh Oh Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Now baby Hey Hey Hey 永遠別擔心,我會生存下去,我要戰勝一切困難,不管怎樣,我都要堅強,堅強,再堅強。我會戰勝一切,我要堅強地活下去。我要戰勝一切困難,我要堅強地活下去。我要戰勝一切困難,我會生存下去。我要堅強地活下去,不管怎樣,我都要堅強地活下去。我要戰勝一切困難,我一定要堅強地活下去。我會堅強地活下去,我不會被擊垮。我要堅強地活下去,因為這是我的命運。我不會屈服於命運的,我會堅強的活下去。無論路有多難走,我都要堅持走下去。我一定要堅持走下去,因為我相信自己會勝利的。我要戰勝一切困難,因為這是我唯一的選擇。我會生存下去的,因為我相信我自己。我要堅強地活下去,我會戰勝一切困難的。我不會被打敗的,因為我是堅強的。我會堅強地活下去的,我會生存下去的。我不會被擊垮的,因為我相信我自己。我不會被打敗的,因為我有堅強的信念和勇氣。我會生存下去的,因為我相信我自己。我相信我自己會戰勝一切困難的。我相信我自己會生存下去的。我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我自己!我相信我可以的!我會永遠相信自己!我不會被打敗的!因為我是堅強的!我是堅強的!我是最棒的!我會永遠相信我自己!相信自己永遠沒錯的!相信我可以的!我一定會勝利的!我相信我自己!相信自己吧!你一定可以的!我一定會成功的我相信我可以做到相信自己可以克服任何困難!我相信自己可以戰勝一切困難相信自己是最棒的我一定會成功的相信自己可以的相信自己吧相信自己是最棒的我一定會勝利的相信自己一定可以的相信自己吧相信自己是最棒的我一定會成功的我相信我可以做到相信自己可以克服任何困難相信自己永遠沒錯的我一定會勝利的相信自己可以的相信自己吧!