i learned from you歌詞

"I Learned From You"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但可以提供一些普遍的歌詞供您參考:


I learned from you, what I didn't know

You taught me how to love, and now I know

You gave me strength, when I was weak

You gave me hope, when I was weep


I learned from you, what I didn't see

You taught me how to live, and now I'm free

You gave me faith, when I was lost

You gave me light, when I was dark

Verse 2:

You were my teacher, my guide

You taught me how to love, and now I'm fine

You were my strength, when I was weak

You were my hope, when I was weak


I learned from you, what I didn't know

You taught me how to live, and now I'm free

You gave me faith, when I was lost

You gave me light, when I was dark


You are the reason why I'm standing here today

I am stronger, and I'm free

I owe everything to you

So thank you for your love


And I learned from you, even when you're gone

Your legacy lives on in me, forever more

I'll remember all you taught me

And carry on your love.

以上是我對“I Learned From You”這首歌的初步理解,希望能幫助您。如需更多詳細信息,可能需要尋找特定藝術家的歌詞或直接查詢他們的官方資源。