i 39 ve never been to me歌詞

《I 39 Ve Never Been to Me》的歌詞如下:

I've been waiting for you

Every hour every day

I've been waiting on your love

To come my way

I've been here for so long

But you never show up

And I keep feeling

Like I'm going out of my mind


I've been

I've been living a lie

I've been dreaming about what could be

I've been reaching for you

But I'll never be with you

I've been wanting your touch

More than anything else

But it seems like you don't want me

And now I have to ask myself

Am I really just one of the girls

You had to see along the way

Am I just another face

In your fantasies and dreams?


Well I can't keep on like this

And I can't live in pain

I've gotta get myself back

To where I belong again


You never know what might be waiting around the corner

The day you came and said

You wanted me to stay with you forever


So my friends they ask me how I am

And I tell them I'm alright

But I'm tired of being what you want me to be

When all along I was feeling like the one who really needed saving

So now I've come to the breaking point

And I have to ask myself

Am I gonna spend my life feeling like this?

Am I gonna keep waiting for something that may never happen?

(Chorus x2)

以上就是《I 39 Ve Never Been to Me》的歌詞,這是一首非常好聽的歌曲,它以優美的旋律和深刻的歌詞表達了對愛情的渴望和追求。