


(男) 從前在那遙遠地方


(女) 受萬人敬仰的他


(男) 他堅強而善良的心


(女) 他身經百戰不變的英雄夢


(合) Hero Hero 他是英雄 Hero Hero

萬眾膜拜的英雄 Hero Hero 心中有個英雄夢

(男) 他拋開榮華富貴名利追逐夢

(女) 他在風雨中前行披荊斬棘無數次

(男) 人們只看到他的威風凜凜的英雄模樣


(女) 流過血汗淚卻從未退縮的他才是真正的Hero

(合) Hero Hero 他是英雄 Hero Hero

萬眾膜拜的英雄 Hero Hero 心中有個英雄夢

Yo yo yo 一起來歌唱心中有個英雄夢 不變永遠不會變 變不了的永遠不變不會改變心中英雄的信仰 這信仰是一首歌把傷痛帶走用掌聲鮮花永遠給我牽著 跟在背後守護著你讓我飛翔為我驅散風霧一起成長我飛向你心中的彼岸嚮往我的明天是一片藍海洋為我帶來榮耀未來我是最亮的光景未來的你能夠看得見 (間奏) Yo yo yo 一起來歌唱心中有個英雄夢不變永遠不會變 變不了的永遠不變不會改變心中英雄的信仰這首歌在風中傳播這歌聲讓我感受這種榮譽沒有言語無法形容這感覺多么美妙多么動人多么感動多么光榮多么幸福多么快樂多么自由多么自由 (合唱) Hero Hero 他是英雄 Hero Hero 萬眾膜拜的英雄 Hero Hero 心中有個英雄夢 (男) 他是英雄 (女) 心中有個英雄夢 (合) 他是英雄夢 (男) 他是英雄 (女) 心中有個英雄夢 (合) 是我心中的英雄夢 (合唱) 永遠不變永不改變永不放棄永不退縮永不磨滅永不凋謝永不褪色永不消逝永不老去永不凋零的英雄夢。


(男) Far away there was a hero named Hero, who was venerated by millions.

(女) With his strong and kind heart, he never feared the bad.

(男) His courage and bravery, the people saw him as a symbol of strength.

(女) But the ones who truly knew him, knew the pain and struggle he endured.

(合) Hero Hero, he was a hero, Hero Hero, everyone adored him. He dreamed of being a hero in his heart.

(男) He gave up all for what he believed in, overcoming obstacles and difficulties.

(女) He forged ahead in the face of storms, blazing a trail for others to follow.

(男) They only see the heroic figure, the one who stands tall and strong.

But they don't see the hardships and struggles that he endured to be that hero.

(女) He shed blood, sweat, and tears, yet never gave up, he was the true Hero.

(合) Hero Hero, he was a hero, Hero Hero, everyone adored him. He dreamed of being a hero in his heart. Come on, let's sing it together. A hero's dream never changes, never fades away.