"Happy Material" 的歌詞如下:
快樂無限 (on a happy material)
感受所有溫度 (feel all the temperature)
無論是你的聲音還是笑靨 (no matter if it's your voice or your smile)
每一天都有新鮮感 (every day is a new experience)
讓我們共享這一切 (let's share it together)
快快樂樂多完美 (so happy and perfect)
這一刻美好不凋謝 (this moment of beauty never fades)
快樂無限 (on a happy material)
我們在一起 (together we are)
分享所有喜悅 (share all the joy)
感受所有溫度 (feel all the temperature)
無論是你的眼神還是語言 (no matter if it's your eyes or your words)
每一天都有新的愛 (every day is a new love story)
讓我們擁抱在一起 (let's embrace together)
快樂無限 (on a happy material)
分享這份美 (share this beauty)
快樂無限 (on a happy material)
我們在一起 (together we are)
快樂無限 (on a happy material)
(女聲) 此刻美麗 (this moment is beautiful)
(男聲) 珍惜有你 (cherish you)
(女聲) 滿心歡喜 (with so much happiness) 等等。