"Go Now Sing Street" 是由 SIA 演唱的一首歌曲,以下是這首歌的歌詞:
Go now sing street
Go now sing street
Go now sing street
Go now sing your heart out
Go now sing street
Go now sing street
Go now sing your heart out
And let the music take you away
Yeah, you're the one that's feeling lost and lonely
Yeah, you're the one that's feeling lost and lonely
But you're not alone, you're not alone
You're not alone, you're not alone
Go now sing street
Go now sing street
Go now sing your heart out
And let the music take you away
Yeah, you've got a dream that's in your head
Yeah, you've got a dream that's in your head
But it's time to make it real, it's time to make it real
You've got to let it out, let it out, let it out, yeah
Go now sing street
You know what I mean? 歌詞中沒有明確的字面意義與 "go now sing street" 直接對應的含義,但通過整首歌的氛圍和表達的情感,可以理解為 "現在去唱出你心中的街道音樂"。這首歌鼓勵人們去追求自己的夢想,釋放內心的情感,享受音樂帶來的快樂。