get in the ring歌詞

Get in the ring的詞意與旋律都是充滿動感的,它來自英語的兒語或日常語言,一般用作指令、提示等,也有健身健美圈子裏當作喊口號或象徵性地稱呼在健身房或者運動場所比賽的人進入場地參加比賽。以下是我提供的歌詞:

Get in the ring, get in the ring

Let's get in the ring, let's get in the ring

Let's get in the ring, let's get in the ring

Let's get in the ring, let's get in the ring

Go! Go! Go!

Get in the ring, and we will make a song

We'll all come together and sing and dance along

And you can sing it loud and dance like you belong

Let's get in the ring, and let it all go crazy!

Just remember that it's not just about the ring

It's about the spirit, it's about the feeling

And if you're feeling good, then let it out!

Let it out and let it go, get in the ring!
