fireflies leona歌詞

"Fireflies" 的歌詞由 Leona Lewis 在 "Fireflies" 這首歌中填詞。然而,您提供的信息不全,請提供更多詳細的信息或提供歌詞。


"Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

We were sitting on the porch

In the dark we didn't have to say a word

You were looking at the stars

And I was looking at your smile

You said, 'Baby it's getting late'

But I ain't sleep yet

And you said, 'Come on and cuddle with me'

But I ain't feeling that

'Cause I ain't got no moonlight

And I ain't got no starlight

Got my fireflies

And they're enough for me

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

I ain't got no roses

And I ain't got no bouquet

Got my fireflies

And they're enough for me tonight

I don't need no fireworks

To make my heart go boom

Got my fireflies

And they're all over town

Yeah, we light up the darkest night

And there's nothing I need better than this

You said, 'Come on and dance with me now'

I ain't feeling that too, baby"
