fairground attraction clare歌詞

"fairground attraction clare" 是歌曲 "Clare" 中的一句歌詞,完整的歌詞是:

Verse 1:

Fairground attraction

You're my heart's desire

Every moment with you

Feels like a dream come true


Clare, you're my sunshine

Clare, you're my everything

Clare, I'll always love you

And I'll never let you down

Verse 2:

You're my forever girl

And I'll always adore you

Through the highs and lows

We'll always have each other


Clare, you're my sunshine

Clare, you're my everything

Clare, I'll always love you

And I'll never let you down


You make my life complete

With every kiss and hug

You fill my heart with happiness

And make me feel like a true love


Clare, you're my sunshine

Clare, you're my everything

And even when we're apart

I feel you in my heart

Hope you like the lyrics! 😊