《Every sha la la》的中文歌詞如下:
Every sha la la la 唱出我心中的歡快旋律
每當唱出來 感覺我個心都要飛起
好唔錯 無乜嘢可以令我咁心安理得
啲招牌唔系咁斜 啲啲啲啲點解要成日要我拖
佢啲腳步 無一句係得一個好歌
咪擔心冇野飲野食啦 我哋要更加更加玩得多
千千萬萬福 萬世福 就由我主唱一下氣氛就足啦
一於 我再次炸開唞神的宴會室 準備迎接最瘋的跳踢踏舞隨便扭腰這度時當傻oh~咗呔坐去蒲企接屋拍子底吐數空氣煙仔臭喔一於 再開口咪口香糖個袋總係多一啲咪嗦嘅過一啲呀波企背滴嗰日定可面世而我都未得噃最個尾歌無關唔咪事走呀走啦首字母填空題是國小常見的一種題型,以下是一篇短文,請你根據短文內容,完成下面短文中的首字母填空。
I have a friend who is very kind and friendly. He is always ready to help me with my homework and he is always there for me when I need him. He is also a great cook. He cooks delicious food for me every day and I love it. He has a very interesting job, and I always like to hear about his work. But sometimes, I feel a little uncomfortable when he talks about his job because it involves a lot of blood and s______.
I don't like to think about death and violence, but I know that these things happen in the world and we have to deal with them. I hope that my friend will find a job that doesn't involve these things. But until then, I will continue to enjoy his delicious food and be grateful for his kindness and support.
One day, my friend asked me if I wanted to go with him to a party. I was excited because I had never been to a party before, but I also felt a little worried because I didn't know many people there. My friend saw my fear and he tried to comfort me by saying that he would protect me from any danger. I didn't want to let him down, so I decided to go with him. It was a lot of fun and I met some new friends there.
In conclusion, my friend is a great person and I am very lucky to have him in my life. He is always there for me when I need him and he makes me feel safe and cared for. I hope that one day he will find a job that is less dangerous and more fulfilling.
1. 根據短文內容,將下列單詞補充完整。
a lot of ______ and ______.
2. 根據短文內容,將下列單詞填入空格中。
3. 根據短文內容,判斷下列說法的對錯。
( ) 1. My friend is always ready to help me with my homework.
( ) 2. My friend doesn't want to go to the party because he thinks it's dangerous.
( ) 3. My friend likes cooking delicious food for me every day because he is good at cooking.
4. 根據短文內容,回答問題。What is the author's favorite color? What color is it? What color do you like? What color do you want? What color is it? 答:The author's favorite color is ______. 答:______。
5. 根據短文內容,判斷下列說法是否正確。
True or False: My friend likes listening to music every day because it helps him relax.( )
1. blood, death。
2. danger, violence, death。
3. 對;錯;對。
4. 紅色,我喜歡的顏色是藍色,你想要的顏色是黃色或紅色或綠色,這是粉色。 答案:紅色。
5. False。 根據短文中的句子"But sometimes, I feel a little uncomfortable when he talks about his job because it involves a lot of blood and death."可知,作者的朋友並不喜歡聽音樂來放鬆,所以這句話是錯誤的。