



If you feel like I feel

We could go back to just us two

Oh yeah

And you tell me now, I’m asking again

Just how big you think you can get?

Verse 1:

You said you wanted it all

But now you only want the highs

I gave you all my heart and soul

But you just didn’t seem to care


So now I’m standing here alone

Wondering what went wrong

And I can’t help but feeling so small

When I ask myself, was it real?


And if you’re only staying for a while

Then why do I feel like I belong?

And if I’m just a dime a dozen, too many girls for you to choose from

Then maybe you don’t know what you’ve got, got?

Verse 2:

And when your money runs out, it seems like hell below

But if your love is empty, I don’t know how we got so deep as lovers though?


So now I’m standing here alone, wondering what went wrong?

And I can’t help but feeling so small, when I ask myself, was it real?


And if you’re only staying for a while? (For a while) 回答之首吾即想起與君度歲過年(去年冬天的模樣)那么我們便在剩下時間裡漫遊相聚在午後微暖的光輝。在你這游離之間如何判定一無所有的願望的泡沫以及所謂金錢英雄的名氣當前去拍馬者撲了一空那咱也不枉在此短暫邂逅的前夕~乎死磕呡牙示意義無反顧讓煙雲掠過冬夜願僅取些微的回憶~不過你還是遠遠地走開了,留下我獨自守候在這裏,空洞的回想著我們曾經的幸福,然後我無助地感覺到自己如此渺小,只能問自己,這一切是否真實? 喔~一切都只是過眼雲煙 轉瞬即逝的回憶而已 但我還是渴望能再次找到你那純真的笑顏!再給我一點溫度!可是當回憶里充滿了無盡的冰冷的夢,還有自己想忘了卻又沒地方忘掉的悲哀…是我輸了 敗給你的愛不是了 愛他 她還牽掛他 思念它(還是)留給自己的一點念想罷了 離開我!繼續唱吧…

Dime (Dime)答之首吾即想起與君度歲過年(我將重新尋找)只是不知何日重逢那一天!所以最後歌詞寫出了自己的決心,尋找屬於自己的幸福。

I want you to know 我知道也許在你心中沒有占據重要的地位也許我給的愛並不純粹倘若我已不再是你的最愛我不願在沉默中任由淚水慢慢退卻你要學會懂得把握此刻不放棄我~最後的吶喊說明他對她他還不想放棄...不知道他最終會和誰相遇成為他們幸福歸宿……最後的我們相擁…這段回憶銘記心骨吧……求學愛屋及烏他的一切!繼續向前走吧……再見了!我們曾經的擁有…… (註:該翻譯僅供參考,可能存在其他多種正確翻譯。)