don t let go歌詞

《Don't Let Go》的詞曲創作由愛黛兒和尼基·凱門(Nick Collingwood)共同完成。歌詞中包含了大量的細微心理描寫和深度思考,主題涉及了愛情和生命的瞬息間隙。歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Oh my dear, won't you hold my hand

It's a lonely road I'm walking

Without you, where will I land

My heart's a leaf that's falling


So don't let go, don't let go

You know we're bound by destiny

Through all the rain and the thunder

We'll stand, forever we'll be together

Verse 2:

So lost in thought, what I am supposed to do

Without you, there's no guiding light

To steer me through the storms

But you won't let go, not till we find a new beginning


So don't let go, don't let go

You know we're bound by destiny

Through all the rain and the thunder

We'll stand, forever we'll be together

Forever we'll be together


You're my guardian angel in disguise

A gift from heaven that I could not deny

So here I am, with you by my side

To walk this road of life together


So don't let go, don't let go

You know we're bound by destiny

Through all the rain and the thunder

We'll stand, forever we'll be together

Forever we'll be together forever we'll be together...

以上就是《Don't Let Go》的完整歌詞,希望能夠幫助到您。