deadly slot game歌詞

"Deadly Slot Game"的完整歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

You're in the deadly slot game

You're feeling the pressure

Your heart's pounding, your mind's spinning

And you can't seem to get out of it


But don't you give up now

No, don't you ever stop

Just keep going, keep going, keep going

'Til you win this deadly lottery

Verse 2:

You feel the machine ticking

The reels are spinning, you're dreaming

You want it all, but you know

You're only gonna lose more


But don't you give up now

No, don't you ever stop

Just keep going, keep going, keep going

'Til you win this deadly lottery


It's a game of luck, a game of fate

But you can't let it control your fate

You've got to keep going, keep going, keep going

'Til you win this deadly lottery


Don't you give up now

No, don't you ever stop

Just keep going, keep going, keep going

'Til you win this deadly lottery

You might lose a few times, but you'll win in the end

So don't give up now, keep playing the game

And remember, there's no need to panic

Just keep going, keep going, keep going

And you might just win the lottery.
