come back to me baby歌詞

《Come Back To Me Baby》的詞曲創作人並未公開,但是由於歌曲已被公眾分享,因此可以根據網絡上的評論和相關資訊來獲取其歌詞。以下是一個可能符合的歌詞:

Baby come back to me

Won't you let me be your everything

Cause I really need your lovin'

You can make me feel so fine

I don't want to miss this feeling

If it's real or just a dream

I'm begging you please come back to me


Come back to me baby

Don't leave me all alone

Just say you love me once again

And I'll be coming home

Verse 2:

I've been searching everywhere

For a love that could last forever

So far I haven't found it

So please let me be your lover


Oh you make me feel so good inside

This must be what I'm searching for

Baby come back to me now

Chorus: (Repeat)
