chung haat the end歌詞

chung haat the end的詞曲未知,以下是我為您提供的一首與結束相關的歌曲歌詞,希望您能夠滿意。

歌名:Waters End


Look at the world we've created

Just to stand here in the center

And watch it all burn

And now it's time to say goodbye

To all the things we've left behind

But I'll remember every smile

And every moment we've denied

The waters end

We're on our own from here on out

And it's the end of all our doubts

So let the rain wash all the pain away

We'll find a new way to be found

Looking back at all we've accomplished

But now it's time to let it all collapse

And I won't let go of your hand

Until we've found a new beginning

The waters end

We're on our own from here on out

And it's the end of all our doubts

So let the rain wash all the pain away

We'll find a new way to be found

It's the end of all our dreams tonight

But I know that we will rise again

We'll find a new way to be found...
