《Bii Back to Me》是帝國演唱的一首歌曲,翻唱自F.I.R.的《你的微笑》。
* 向前走 不回頭
* 我知道 你還會 回過頭
* 把我緊緊擁入懷中
* 我知道 你還會 回來
* 當我再次唱起這首歌
* 你的微笑 我還能感受
* 瞬間點燃了我所有夢
* 當你轉身離開那一刻
* 我感覺 心被掏空了
* 在每一個寂靜的角落
* 我開始 無處可藏了
* 我獨自 在夜深人靜的時候
* 靜靜 回想你的溫柔
* 我會等到你回來的那一天
* 等到陽光再次灑在我臉龐
* 我會微笑著 對你說
* Bii come back to me
* I'm walking forward, never looking back
* I know you'll still turn around and
* embrace me tightly in your arms
* I know you'll still come back to me
* When I sing this song again
* Your smile is the only thing I can still see
* It ignites all my dreams
* When you turned away at the moment
* I felt like my heart was being torn out
* Here in the empty spaces of the night, alone
* I start to feel lost and out of control
* I remember all the tender moments you gave me
* I'll keep waiting for the day you come back to me
* And when the sun shines down on my face again, I'll smile and say
* Bii come back to me.
以上就是《Bii Back to Me》的歌詞,希望對你有所幫助。