arb tokyo outsider歌詞


Outsider (Japanese ver.)

Outsider (漂泊者)

今朝から追いかけてる 追いかけてる夢

Chasing the dream that I pursued this morning

そんなに強くなんかない ただひとつの

I'm not that strong after all, just one thing

願いを胸に抱き さあ 旅に出よう

Holding onto my wish in my heart, let's embark on our journey

霧は時に透明 だれもみんなひとり

Mists can be transparent at times, who's to say we're not all alone?

わたしだけが気づいたのさ なにひとつ失いたくない

I only realized it, I don't want to lose anything

決して孤獨は迷わない 時はつれてゆくさ

Time will never stray, and I will come with it

見えない糸を信じて 迷わないで Outsider

Believe in the invisible thread, don't wander aimlessly, Outsider

青い空の向こう側へと 遠くに思えるほど

To the other side of the blue sky, it feels so far away

夢を抱きしめて さあ 旅に出よう

Hold onto your dream, let's embark on our journey

遠くにいても 近くにいても 夢はひとつだから

No matter how far away it is, or how close, our dream is one and the same

Outsider Outsider 夢を見つめて Outsider

Outsider Outsider, gaze into your dream, Outsider

Outsider Outsider 迷わないで Outsider

Outsider Outsider, don't wander aimlessly, Outsider。