africa toto歌詞

《Africa toto》的完整歌詞如下:


(Oh oh oh)

Got a feeling I'm never gonna fit in

I don't speak English, don't speak English

Got a feeling that my life is done now

And it's over here, it's over here

Can't take it no more

Can't take it no more

It's all the same here

Now I ain't home

They got the culture they got everything else

Why won't you tell me Africa Toto

They call me one of these whities one day they were at my school or whatever,

with some teddy bear we took it in some bar and they said,

"Oh, you know, we need to get you out of here,

you know, we need to get you to Africa."

I said, "Oh, okay," and I said, "I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna be a star,"

and I said, "I'm gonna be a star," and I said, "I'm gonna be a star,"

and I said, "I'm gonna be a star," and I said, "Get me to Africa!"

They brought me on the train in France like to America so many dreams came to the rescue so here I am singing a song and doing some TV today I said what will the reception be for a man from some country in my life would come in conflict, who have no idea about the culture and the music that they are trying to make me fit in.

Now I ain't home.

They got the culture they got everything else.

Why won't you tell me Africa Toto?

(Oh oh oh)

(Oh oh oh)

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

Now I ain't home.

Now I ain't home.

Yeah. (Oh) Oh yeah.

It took some time for me to figure out the accent for you now let me speak with a broken accent so broken, you don't know how to deal with it you try to put it down for your culture that is all around you but you don't know what it is you ain't even from around here.

So they try to make you fit in with their culture and their music and their language.

But I ain't home.

Now I ain't home.

I ain't trying to come for you know how many days till my album out then every station can play it as long as I give them an idea that there was one and let it run forever that might take them till June! I am proud to represent a continent. That if I leave your soil or planet so make up your minds and let me know what you think about it.

Yeah! (Oh) Oh yeah! (Oh) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! (Yeah) Oh yeah! Oh yeah! (Yeah) 非洲的旋律 (oh oh oh) 隨著旋律開始跳舞 (oh oh oh) 在非洲的土地上自由奔跑 (oh oh oh) 來吧! 我們一起開始奔跑 (oh oh oh) 在非洲的旋律中起舞吧 (oh oh oh) 所以說了我在美國那邊試著開嗓可是現在的心情怎麼可能適應在這種環境雖然不是說不懂英文也不是不懂英語但我還是感到現在的生活就像是被戰略埋伏有種一無所知和過於浮誇的氣息而我的命運就是在這裡會發生甚麼過程甚麼沒注意到那文化音樂正在做的事就像將我同化在我遠離的家園他們有了他們的文化有了一切但是我並不知道他們有那麼好當他們叫我去一個我不了解的地方為甚麼還沒有人告訴我? 去非洲的事。 聽著我將為他們唱歌一首有關非洲的歌他們在法國將我送上火車然後送到了美國我們得到了很多夢想救了我讓我在這裡唱首歌做些電視我們總算做成了,一個國家的男子在一個陌生的地方唱著歌,唱著夢想,唱著希望,唱著自由,唱著他們的非洲。 我現在不回家。 我現在不回家。 我現在不回家。 我