以下是歌曲《A Message to You Rudy Dandy Livingstone》的歌詞:
Yeah! It's time to roll, 'cause you know what it's all about
Everybody say it now
To you Rudy Dandy Livingstone
Yeah, we all want you in the zone
Everybody doing things your way
Now, the party is all for you and none other
To the left, to the right
So now, what we're here to do
Is spread a message, one for you
Yeah, and if you don't want it, don't accept it
'Cause you're gonna miss out on a fantastic beat
Now let's have some fun
Let's have some fun, let's dance to the tunes
And we don't want you to stop it now
Yeah, to you Rudy Dandy Livingstone
Yeah, we all want you in the zone
Everybody doing things your way
Now the party is all for you and none other
So let's go now, let's go now
And we don't want you to stop it now
Yeah, to you Rudy Dandy Livingstone
Yeah, we all want you in the zone
Everybody doing things your way
Now the party is all for you and none other
So let's go now, let's go now
And we don't want you to stop it now
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh請大家推薦幾本古代穿越文?古代穿越文即是指主人公從現代穿越到古代的小說作品。下面是幾本推薦作品,排名不分先後。
- 《清穿日常》:作者描寫了一個充滿生活氣息的清朝穿越生活,讓人感受到了穿越者的真實感和親切感。同時,書中的人物形象也十分鮮明,給人留下了深刻的印象。
- 《重生成了古代小官之女》:這本小說講述了一個現代小官之女穿越到古代的故事。在穿越過程中,她漸漸適應了古代的生活方式,與家人、鄰居以及同齡人之間的關係也十分引人入勝。作者將人物的情感和關係描繪得非常生動,引人共鳴。
- 《清宮遺夢》:這本書通過穿越者這個獨特視角,講述了一個宮廷內爭的故事。小說情節緊湊、曲折多變,既有情感糾葛也有權力鬥爭,展現了宮廷的殘酷和冷酷無情。同時,書中的人物形象也十分鮮明,給人留下了深刻的印象。
- 《錦繡未央》:這本小說講述了女主角穿越到南北朝時期的故事。在穿越過程中,她學會了如何在這個時代生存下來,並與當時的權貴和名士建立起了深厚的感情紐帶。小說情節跌宕起伏,人物形象鮮明生動,令人愛不釋手。