Verse 1:
Follow me now,Yeah,Here we go,Yeah
Yo Yo Yo,Everybody say,Yeah
Yo Yo Yo,Everybody say,Yeah
Yo Yo Yo,Everybody say,Yo Yo Yo
Yo Yo Yo,Freestyle,Yo Yo Yo
Yo Yo Yo,不用規定,Yo Yo Yo
Verse 2:
跟我來做吧,Everybody,Wave your hands up high
來吧 讓我們放聲大唱 自由自在吧
Yo Yo Yo,Freestyle,Yo Yo Yo
Yo Yo Yo,不用規定,Yo Yo Yo
放開自己 盡情表現吧
Yo Yo Yo,Freestyle,Yo Yo Yo
Yo Yo Yo,不用規定,Yo Yo Yo
Verse 3:
Yo Yo Yo,Freestyle,Yo Yo Yo
Yo Yo Yo,不用規定,Yo Yo Yo
Outro:Everybody say yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah! Yeah!Yo!Yi!Yo!Yi!Yi!YO!YO!YO!YO!YO!YO!YO!YO!YO!Yi!YO!Yi!Yo!Go go go!Come on and go and go with me! Go go go go!YEAH YEAH YEAH!跟我一起舞動吧!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go go go go!Go with me now!Go with me now!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起舞動吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起跳起來吧!跟我一起唱起來吧!跟我一起唱起來吧!跟我一起唱起來吧!跟我一起唱起來吧!Go with me now, Let's do this thing, Go with me now, Let's do this thing, Go with me now, Let's do this thing, Go with me now, Let's do this thing, Go with me now, Let's do this thing, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Go with me now, Now move your body! Move your body now, Now move your body now, Now move your body now! Come on and let's do this thing right now, right now, right now.Let's dance to the beat of the music and dance together, together, together. Dance with me now, Dance with me now, Dance with me now, Dance with me now. 現在就跟我一起來搖擺身體,一齊唱一齊跳起來。不要再猶豫不決了,盡情地舞動起來吧。你準備好跟著我一起來展現自我了嗎?無論你是在城市的喧囂中還是在僻靜的小路上,你都可以隨時隨地的盡情展現自我。不要害怕失敗和挫折,因為這些都是成長的一部分。讓我們一起來享受音樂帶給我們的快樂和自由吧。現在就開始你的舞蹈之旅吧。讓我們一起來享受音樂帶給我們的快樂和自由吧。現在就跟著我一起來搖擺身體。不要猶豫不決了。一起來享受音樂帶給我們的快樂和自由吧。Go with me now.現在就跟著我一起來搖擺身體。一齊唱一齊跳起來。現在就釋放自我。一齊搖擺身體。現在就展現自我。現在就享受音樂帶給我們的快樂和自由。現在就開始你的舞蹈之旅吧。你準備好釋放自我了嗎?一起來搖擺身體吧。不要猶豫不決了。現在就釋放自我。釋放自我。