1. 香港香港 向著明天
Cantonese Cantonese, looking towards tomorrow
2. 風光與挑戰 留下見證
Scenery and challenges, leave a witness
3. 一千樣野獸來到世上 在港碰頭
A thousand beasts come into the world and meet in Hong Kong
4. 在這土地找到成就
Find achievements in this land
5. 繁華的市集 仍然未變
The bustling market remains the same
6. 從前與現在 心中有數
Know the difference between the past and present
7. 這裏是我的家 我愛香港
This is my home, I love Hong Kong
8. 千色萬般美 仍然未變
The beauty of a thousand colors remains the same
9. 就算挫敗 也未離開
Even if we fail, we won't give up
10. 從前與現在 心中有數
Know the difference between the past and present