


1. 不要放棄,不要哭泣,我們會找到回家的路。

Don't give up, don't cry, we will find our way home.

2. 你在我心中,我永遠愛你。

You are in my heart, I will always love you.

3. 人生就像大海,有時平靜,有時狂暴。

Life is like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent.

4. 我的心在等待,永遠在等待。

My heart is waiting, always waiting.


1. Don't give up, don't cry, we will find our way home.

Don't give up, don't cry, we will find our way back home.

2. You are in my heart, I will always love you.

You are forever in my heart, I will always love you.

3. Life is like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent.

Life is like the ocean, sometimes still, sometimes turbulent.

4. My heart is waiting, always waiting.

My heart is yearning, always yearning.