"We Can't Go Back"的完整歌詞如下:
Verse 1:
We can't go back, we can't turn back
This is our journey, this is our path
Through the fire and the rain
We'll rise up and we won't sleep again
We can't go back, we've taken the leap
Into the unknown, into the deep
We'll keep moving forward, no turning back now
Verse 2:
Life is a journey, full of ups and downs
But we won't give up, we won't give in
We'll keep pushing forward, towards our dreams
And we won't stop until we win
We can't go back, we've taken the leap
Into the unknown, into the deep
We'll keep moving forward, no turning back now
It's time to let go of what's behind
And seize the moment, live it loud and free
We're moving forward, into the future now
We can't go back, we've taken the leap
Into the unknown, into the deep
We're not looking back, we're moving forward now
We can't go back, we won't stop now請幫我找一些關於描寫“春”的詩句,謝謝!
·春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。 —— 唐朝·孟浩然《春曉》
·勝日尋芳泗水濱,無邊光景一時新。等閒識得東風面,萬紫千紅總是春。 —— 宋朝·朱熹《春日》
·碧玉妝成一樹高,萬條垂下綠絲絛。不知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀。 —— 唐朝·賀知章《詠柳》
·天街小雨潤如酥,草色遙看近卻無。最是一年春好處,絕勝煙柳滿皇都。 —— 唐朝·韓愈《早春呈水部張十八員外(其一)》
·春潮帶雨晚來急,野渡無人舟自橫。 —— 唐朝·韋應物《滁州西澗》