

Verse 1:

綻放的煙花 照亮了夜空

bright fireworks light up the night

像星辰一樣 閃爍著光芒

like stars shining brightly

讓人不禁想起 那些美好的時光

makes me remember those good old days


花火在綻放 我的心也在綻放

the fireworks bloom, so do my heart

綻放的瞬間 是我最美麗的時刻

the moment they bloom, is the most beautiful of mine

Verse 2:

當風吹過 那些回憶也在飄散

as the wind blows, those memories drift away

但我仍然相信 那些美好的時光會回來

but I still believe those good old days will come back


花火在綻放 我的心也在綻放

the fireworks bloom, so do my heart

綻放的瞬間 是我最美麗的時刻

the moment they bloom, is the most beautiful of mine


就讓這一切 成為永恆的回憶吧

let this all become eternal memories

即使時間流逝 也不會消失

even as time passes, they won't fade away


花火在綻放 我的心也在綻放

the fireworks bloom, so do my heart

直到最後一刻 我依然相信美好

until the very end, I still believe in the beauty of things.