瑪莉亞凱莉 i stay in love勇敢愛歌詞

《I Stay In Love》

詞:Terius Nash, Ryan Tedder

曲:Terius Nash, Ryan Tedder



I stay in love

Even though he treats me like dirt under his feet

I stay in love

Like it's a game that I can't win


Verse 1:

Every time he leaves I wanna pack my bags and fly

But I just keep on going round and round in my mind

I don't know what to do, what to do

But I'm still in love with him


I stay in love

Even though he treats me like dirt under his feet

I stay in love

Like it's a game that I can't win

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah oh oh oh


Some people would say it's a bad idea to love again after a breakup

But it's like the hurt just turns into motivation to try and win back his heart again and again and again and again and again


I stay in love

Even though he treats me like dirt under his feet (like dirt)

I stay in love (ooh)

Like it's a game that I can't win (no, no)


Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (woo)

Yeah yeah yeah yeah (no) I keep on going round and round in my mind (oh) Keep on keep on going on, keep on keep on going on Keep on keep on going on Keep on keep on going on (ooh) Keep on going keep on going (keep going) Keep going on...喔 對噠結膜毛細血管擴張症狀結膜毛細血管擴張可表現為眼睛結膜出現充血發紅等症狀。其他症狀包括流淚、疼痛、畏光等。眼睛受到外界刺激後容易充血和毛細血管擴張。血管壁受到炎症、過敏原刺激等也可能導致血管擴張。眼部手術後也可能會出現結膜毛細血管擴張。症狀較輕的患者可以使用抗生素眼藥水進行治療,但需要保持眼部清潔衛生,避免感染。對於嚴重的情況,可能需要採取手術等治療方法。請注意,以上內容僅為參考,不能作為診斷依據。請諮詢專業醫生獲取準確信息。

上述內容僅供參考,如果您有眼部不適,建議及時諮詢眼科醫生。他們能提供最準確的診斷和治療建議。 查看更多+ ×,您還可以了解以下內容:結膜毛細血管擴張症狀的原因可能與眼部刺激、炎症、過敏原刺激等因素有關。眼部手術後也可能會出現結膜毛細血管擴張,需要採取相應的治療措施。結膜毛細血管擴張患者需要保持眼部清潔衛生,避免感染。在飲食方面,建議保持均衡營養,多吃富含維生素A和C的食物,如胡蘿蔔、菠菜等。同時,保持良好的生活習慣和心態也是緩解結膜毛細血管擴張症狀的重要因素。 結膜毛細血管擴張症狀的併發症可能包括結膜炎、角膜炎等眼部炎症性疾病。如果結膜毛細血管擴張症狀持續加重,可能會影響視力,導致視力模糊、視力下降等症狀。此時需要及時就醫,採取相應的治療措施,如藥物治療或手術治療等。 以上內容僅供參考,不能替代專業醫療建議。請隨時關注身體狀況,如感覺任何不適,建議及時向專業人士求助,可線上諮詢醫生,或者去線下醫療機構就診。