

兄、弟をいっしょに (brothers together)

どんなに離れていても (no matter how far we are apart)

青春に満ちた夢があれば (full of youth dreams)

もっと近くで駆け出す (run closer and faster)

誰より強くなれる (become stronger than anyone)

爆走 brothers MAX 今始まるよ(Run brothers MAX its the beginning now)

今すぐ飛び出そう (jump now from here)

無防備でどっか好きの (free and easy with passion)

世界を一緒に飛び越えよう (leap the world together)

ぶつかり合ってもいい (collide and collide)

傷ついてもいい (get hurt and get hurt)

爆走 brothers MAX 夢追いかけて(Run brothers MAX chasing after dreams)

兄、弟がつなぐ手のひら (the hand of brothers touching)

さあ、今、始まるよ (now, its the beginning now)

涙さえ超える夢 (dreams that can surpass tears)

笑顏に変える力 (the power to turn into a smile)

ぶつかり合ってもいい (collide and collide)

強くなれると信じて (believe that you can become stronger)

兄、弟をいっしょに (brothers together)

どんなに離れていても (no matter how far we are apart)

溢れ出す勇気與えて (give them the courage to overflow)

兄弟に還れば最高の時だよ(Become brothers again and it's the best time ever)

爆走 brothers MAX もう戻れない(Run brothers MAX you can't go back)

兄、弟がつなぐ手のひら (the hand of brothers touching)

さあ、今、始まるよ (now, its the beginning now)

涙さえ超える夢 (dreams that can surpass tears)

笑顏に変える力 (the power to turn into a smile)

爆走 brothers MAX 夢追いかけて(Run brothers MAX chasing after dreams)